Not every research lab can be trusted... You know, some days in your boring lab job, you have to try whatever that liquid is that you're making. Maybe it'll make your day go by a little faster. Some reason fires keep happening though. Better put those out before the place burns down and your boss starts asking you questions...

My high score is 1264

  • WASD to move
  • MOUSE to look around
  • LEFT SHIFT to sprint
  • E to pickup capsules
  • HOLD F to drink Super Drink 4000 (requires 1 of each colored capsule)
  • HOLD Left Mouse to use Fire Extinguisher on fires

Created for Brackeys Game Jam 2024.2 "Calm Before the Storm"

Made in Godot 4.3, which has an unfortunate glitch with particle systems on AMD graphics cards, so the fire isn't as "good" as it should've been, but this is some dumb game I made, so it doesn't really matter.


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